TICA Apprentice of The Year Awards 2023

Successful night for Powertherm’s Apprentices at the TICA Awards


The Thermal Insulation Contractors Association (TICA) hosted their annual awards evening on the 28th of September 2023 where two of our Thermal Insulation Apprentices, Luke Seymour (Luke) & Matthew Rhodes (Matt), were nominated for Apprentice of The Year within their respective categories. Matt was nominated for the Level 2 award and Luke was nominated for the Level 3 award.


Matt finished the night as a Level 2 Apprentice of The Year Finalist!


Matt had this to say about his apprenticeship:

“Before I was a thermal insulator, my background was in fabrication. Then I got involved in the apprenticeship and I enjoyed it more. I thought the apprenticeship would be a good way to expand my knowledge and grow my career.

The biggest skill I would say I have grown is being more organised and having better time management.

If I had to give advice to someone considering an apprenticeship in thermal insulation I would tell them to go into it with an open mind and not be scared of the challenging conditions.

I would really like to experience new places and meet new people within my job role. there is always a new challenge and every week is different which is something I enjoy and learn from.”


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Luke was the well deserved winner of the Level 3 Apprentice of The Year!


“I always knew about this industry, a lot of of family members were also involved within it. I’m a very hands on person and this apprenticeship includes the need for that, so I wanted to give it a go.

I have gained communication skills and built up my confidence throughout my apprenticeship.

If I had to give advice to someone considering an apprenticeship in thermal insulation I would tell them to be ready to work in a team and learn new things. I would really suggest it to anyone that is very hands on.

I would really like to work my way up within the industry and take more of a leading role on certain projects. I really enjoy coming to work and learning new things while being able to socialise with people in a really good environment.”

This is what Luke highlighted when asked why he wanted to do this apprenticeship and what he had gained from it so far.


Luke Seymour TICA level 3 apprentice of the year

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Huge congratulations and thankyou to both our Thermal Insulation Apprentices for their hard work and success throughout their apprenticeship.


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